Saturday, October 28, 2017

An Hour A Day

| Now Playing: Jeepers Creepers by The Mosers |

She drinks champagne,
On most Sundays.
While I sleep in,
Sleep off my whiskey stench.
She's up at six,
When I get in.
She's all talked out,
And I look like shit.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I love you baby, ooh,
I need you crazy.
Too bad I'm a creep.
I'm a creep, oh baby,
I need you.
Ooh, ooh, ooh.

I love you baby,
I need you crazy.
Too bad I'm a creep.
A disease, I'm a dog, I'm a leech.
I'm the one, come and see, look at me.
I'm a creep, I'm a creep,
I'm a creep, I'm a creep.
I love you baby,
I need you crazy.
Oh baby, I need you.

Back at it again with the daily reminiscing. Or at least I'm going to try to, mainly because today was a fucking doozy, bitch. It was just a lot. Okay, so after my last blog, I just did some boosts while playing Splatoon, and then I started watching some Trisha Paytas, and she was weirdly making me feel better. Especially her This Is What Fat Shaming Feels Like video, it just spoke to me. And I started to just spiral down her latest videos, and that was fun. I eventually switched over and watched more That '70s Show, mainly because I just wanted to go to bed and also because there was the Nashville Secret Sessions, and even though I had already prepared myself for them, I was still down after finding out that they happened because I feel like Nashville is the only ones I would be eligible for just as far as location and everything. But I ended up sleeping super well, which is good because I'm obviously not going to tonight because it's TGIT so I gotta watch my shows haha. Also, the ...Ready For It? video comes out, but I found out a way to film my reaction to it, so I'm gonna postpone seeing the video until tomorrow so I can film that. I actually woke up a little earlier this morning because after the let down yesterday, I really wanted some damn coffee haha.

Once I got to work, I was shocked. Because all of my freight actually got ran. I was literally beside myself with it, because that literally hasn't happened in I don't even remember how long so I was quite excited to try and stay in routine and everything today. Of course, that didn't happen, but all in due time. So I was having a pretty good day, and it's a good thing that I didn't have any freight, because I was putting out and switching features literally the entire morning. We also had the morning meeting over in my department for reasons that still haven't been revealed to me yet, so. But after that, and break happened, we were being told our break time was being counted, which is super annoying, by both Warden and DBL so we skedaddled as fast as we could. Then I literally worked on perfecting my features for the rest of the morning until lunch. And since I paid my bills during break, I realized I had a little bit extra cash since one of my bills was a little less than expected, so LunchCrew headed over to Hardee's for the $5 All Star meals that I've gotten before. It was Gucci and then we headed back to work, and I kept up makeshift routine by completing all my section work, but that ONLY happened because I didn't have any freight to run this morning. Literally the only reason. That, and I was busting my ass to get it done to make sure that I got to get it done for at least two days this week, I think.

Then came two o'clock, which was the bane of my day. So during the morning meeting, Don't Be Late said there was a safety meeting at two. But keep in mind, the last time she said this, it was only applicable for the Safety Team, which ya girl isn't a member of. My boo Destiny is, which is unfortunate. So EVERYONE, not just me, thought that only the Safety Team had to go. Well, I finally get done with my section work around two, and I headed to the back to get the right labels, and Teresa is coming through the door leading to grocery as I walk to the cage and she's like we have the meeting and I'm like ?? and she says they called for all DM's to be there, and I was over it, because I still had over a hundred price changes to take care of from yesterday, so I didn't really have the time to sit through an hour long meeting. But obviously I did, or else I would have gotten in trouble. And the topic of the meeting was topstock, so obviously I had a lot to stay because apparently I can't keep my mouth shut. But that part was fine. Then Shanan comes in and says that she needs me to help at the paint counter, because I'm literally like the only person who knows how to do EVERY service area on the GM side, so. I was a little frustrated, but obviously I'm happy to help (Literally, I got chosen for HTH for October because when asked, I said I deserve it and used that customer I helped with her engine and oil filter as reasons why). So after that I headed back for the meeting, but no one was there. So I assumed they were doing the safety tour, and once I found them, anger ensued. A two word phrase which here means Waste My Time 2K17.

Everyone was in grocery, zoning. And I'm like, what the hell is going on, and they're having us check the topstock for Grocery and zoning. Like, that is such a MASSIVE waste of time. But we just all had to push through it, even though I was about to lose it because I had all those price changes blaring in the back of my mind. So after Grocery, and then paper chemicals, we did a little bit of Infants and finally returned the back to adjourn the meeting. After that, we realized that the meeting and subsequent trip to Grocery had taken AN HOUR AND A HALF. Let that sink in. We weren't able to do our proper work for an hour and a half. I was so pressed like an acrylic, I had to take my last break with LunchCrew, minus Destiny because we couldn't find her, and added with Amber. We went outside and blew off some steam, and then it was already time to leave. It was just so frustrating when, especially today, I was working my butt of it get everything done.

Coming home, things were pretty good. I listened to the three songs from reputation because always, and got home and got to say hi to my grandma, who was finally back from her two-day excursion over at Billie Ruth's house. I was definitely glad to see her haha. We talked a little about that and our mutual conversations with Rosanna, and talked about work some. It was spaghetti and garlic bread for dinner, which is always so bomb af. Then immediately after that, I went walking around the house and the parking lot of the church in a weird lopsided loop, and it was actually weirdly therapeutic? I got to talk on the phone with Mom a little bit, but she was headed out for karaoke so we had to get off the phone. But I listned to my Rep & Rap playlist while walking the rest of the time, and it was just a great experience. I ended up walking for a whole HOUR. An hour, bitch. So that was great. As soon as I came in, my grandma showed me how to make coffee with the big coffee maker so what happened yesterday doesn't happen again haha, and then I talked on the phone with Benzo for a bit and then started writing this blog. Now, Grey's Anatomy is almost over (I've been watching while writing this entire thing haha) and I'm gonna watch Will & Grace, then How To Get Away With Murder, and then I'm gonna head to bed. Unless the music video for ...Ready For It? comes out early or some shit, but I doubt it. It'll be better if I just wait and record my reaction haha. But who knows, maybe I'll end up staying up for it, and recording my reaction and whatever, but we shall see, I guess.

Let's hope I can keep up the daily blogging to keep this blog a little bit more quality I guess? I'm so ready for the weekend.

Will & Grace was SPECTACULAR, as always. Literally it has not changed in quality after eleven years. And don't even get me started with How To Get Away With Murder. It's such a good way of storytelling and I love the narrative and I'm just fucking obsessed. I ended up staying up until the release of the ...Ready For It? music video, but I was so exhausted that I ended up not watching the video. I really wanted to react to it and I didn't want to ruin that. I found out how to overlay a video for like reacting to a video, so I knew it was possible for me to do. So I switched on That '70s Show and went to bed. I'm STILL trying to get off the damn episode in Season 4 where Jackie gets a job as the Cheese Maiden selling cheese. I'm just so tired of the awkward crap in the beginning between Red and Eric with the condoms haha. I kept falling asleep like right after that so I've kept hearing it. But I finally finished that episode before falling asleep in the next one, so at least that's behind me haha.

I was so thankful to get today, Friday, over with because I'm off the weekend, and after having to work last weekend, I was so ready for it (see what I did there? I'm hilarious. Moving on) and needed it to be honest. OH. Also, last night, out of the blue, Jeremy sent me a picture that literally had me like this.

LITERALLY. I was quaking. I still am, to be Pocahonest, but I was McDonald's, bitch, lovin' it. Anyway, so I headed into work this morning feeling pretty good. I slept alright, even if I did end up getting a little cold from leaving the window open all night long. I grabbed my coffee, remembered my bag that I forgot from the day before, and headed in. After how crazy and obnoxious yesterday was, my motivation was just shot and absolutely depleted. So it was a little hard to get myself through the morning. And while I did have freight, or rather picks, to run, at least I didn't have features that had to go out to the floor and needed to move everything else around to accommodate like I have been lately, so it wasn't too bad. I still didn't get to follow routine because when do I ever? But we also had company, New Market was there so we ended up having a morning meeting at our regular time and then a meeting with him once he got there around 9. I just knew it was going to be  day that LunchCrew and I needed to head to lunch. We really need to start limiting it to one day a week, just for the sake of our paychecks.

It wasn't too bad with New Market there. He actually came by my department as I was stocking the Lego aisle, where the field of rollback flags live from the price changes I stayed a little over to get most of them done on Wednesday and was impressed with it and took my picture showcasing them, so that was good I guess? Then he thanked me for keeping the department looking good and shook my hand and said he appreciated all that I'm doing, so that was super nice to hear. After that, it was time for lunch and ya girl was feeling breakfast so we headed over to Denny's. It was bomb af and Pam and I got Chicken & Waffles because perfection and Teresa got these pumpkin spice cream pancakes that were incredible and Destiny got these bacon and cheese tots that were TUHDYE and ugh, it was just so good. Plus, our waiter was Jaime, Wes' boyfriend, so that was fun. We came back, I finished all of my price changes, and that was really it. But the time I turned around, it was time to leave, and I was so ready for it (I did it again, but I swear this time it wasn't on purpose).

Coming home from work, I found dinner from Macado's on the stove, so I could eat win I wanted / in my room, which was perfect because I was wanting to come straight home and film my reaction to the RFI music video, so that's exactly what I did. Recorded my reaction, screen recorded the video from my phone (thanks iPhone iOS 11 update) and I had my two videos. It wasn't nearly as complicated to edit the music video along side my footage of me reacting to it as I thought it was going to be. It was actually fairly painless. It only took me a little bit to get it edited and everything, so then I uploaded it, ate the sub from Macado's, and by the time my video was up and everything, thumbnail made and all that jazz, I looked up and it was six, and I really want to stick to this walking thing, and six is like my go to time for it, like no later than six can I start, so I went on my walking around the house and the church parking lot to my Recently Played playlist on my phone.

Mom was supposed to call me this afternoon so we could talk more, but I never heard from her. I tried calling her when I started my workout, but she never answered and I heard this weird distorted version of her voicemail? Like I don't know if it's because I was connected to my Beats or what but it was weird. I'm gonna try calling her again tomorrow or at least texting her because it was just weird. So I did my hour long walking and then came inside and immediately sat down with Stranger Things because SEASON TWO CAME OUT TODAY. I'm so excited. I just finished episode 3 as I was starting Friday's recap and BITCH. I grabbed my mouth I was so shocked. I was fucked up. But anyway, I'mma watch one or two more and then head to bed. SO READY FOR THIS WEEKEND. Oh, and here's my reaction to the RFI music video. I almost forgot haha.

And now it's magically Saturday! I've literally done nothing. I watched two more episodes of Stranger Things before I went to bed, and then flipped back to That '70s Show before falling asleep. I didn't even wake up until almost noon, so I got my sleep in haha. I woke up and did some laundry, but then I finished Stranger Things, and this season might just be better than the first. It's so fucking good. Then I started watching the after show that automatically plays after you finish Season 2. But a bitch was really tired. My grandma made a chicken version of her hamburger pie, so that was amazing. Then I came back to bed, because I've literally spent all day in bed, and so then I tried watching some Joseph Birdsong videos on my phone because I'm a little behind on his Mirror Mode let's play of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and fell asleep. I was already feeling so sleepy so I guess it was bound to happen. I guess I just couldn't be bothered haha. I woke up from my little hour long nap and I'm going through Joe's Evil Within let's play and watching that so I can watch the Evil Within 2 let's play he just started once I finish. And that's literally it. I'm hoping to get some writing done Tamar Braxt because I really need to. This blog has been interesting haha. Oh, and also, my Do It For Her post is up to 1,640 notes, my Gorgeous reaction video has hit 4.5K views, and my music video reaction just hit 1.5K views. Another day being such a celebrity haha. I took a break from my walking today because I just needed a break. I just need a break in general.

Taking it one hour at a time,

-- Jesse

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