Wednesday, October 31, 2018


| Now Playing: The Lucky One by Taylor Swift |

Now it’s big black cars
And Rivera views
And you’re lover in the foyer
Doesn’t even know you
And your secrets land up
Splashed on the news front page

And they tell you that you’re lucky
But you’re so confused
‘Cause you don’t feel pretty
You just feel used
And all the young things
Like up to take your place

Another name goes up in lights
You wonder if you’ll make it out alive

And they’ll tell you now
You’re the lucky one
Yeah they’ll tell you now
You’re the lucky one
Can you tell me now
You’re the lucky one
Oh, oh, oh

So, so far, this week has been pretty ‘lax comparatively, and I’m thankful for that. After my last blog, it was my regularly scheduled day off, and I had plans. And by plans, I mean one plan, and by one plan, I mean getting my car inspected and getting an oil change. My appointment was for 10:30, so I got up shortly after my boyfriend left for work, showered, and headed over to that side of town. The dealership here was a lot different than the one back where I used to live. The entire service area is outside, in this building with dual garage doors on either side of it and you literally just drive your car in there. Once inside, they have computers and everything for you to sit at while you talk about what service you want. It was just weird because we were sort of in this makeshift garage crap and I was like what in the hell is this haha. But while I waited, and after sorting out that I wasn’t there to pay over 500 dollars for a service I thought was just simply an oil change and tire rotation, I used my down time to start getting caught up on Grey’s Anatomy. Let me tell you, Season 15 started with a bang, literally, and it was amazing to get caught up. Between the actual show itself, and all the commercials, but the time they rolled the ending Grey’s Anatomy title, one of the guys came to tell me that my car was ready. Also, I listened to the Red album for the first time this Red Season (Or for Allen, Scorpio Season) and a bitch was getting fucked up over The Lucky One for some reason. I’ve listened to it a few times throughout the week, so that’s why Taylor slithered up to the NP. But hey, a bitch ain’t complaining. 

Then my true dilemma began. I was literally right beside the place we go to get sushi, and I could have really gone for some. And it’s not that I was afraid of dining along or anything like that, I just knew that it would take like over an hour for me to get my food / finish eating everything, and I just wanted to eat and be done. So I did what any rational person who wanted sushi would do: I went to Taco Bell haha. It was on the way home and quick and easy, so it worked. Once I got back home, I finished getting caught up on Grey’s Anatomy in preparation for that night’s new episode, and watched the first episode of Season 3 of Riverdale, which is taking a really weird turn and it’s interesting. It seems like it’s getting a little close to Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina. 

Speaking of Sabrina, we started watching it this past weekend! The trailer was definitely accurate because it’s dark. They literally worship Satan, but Sabrina is defiant. It’s pretty damn good. Took a few episodes to get into it, but it’s definitely work the wait. 

Anyway, after getting all that caught up, we watched our usual Thursday night TV, but we ended up going to bed shortly after Will & Grace because we were tired haha. But we caught HTGAWM the following evening. And then we had people over to just hang out. We were gonna go out to like Kabana or something, but we stayed in, drank, ate pizza, and drank. Like, a lot. Like more than I care to put a number to on this blog haha. But we played Picolo with Kelly and Andrew and Careese and that was just a hoot and a holler. Then after Kelly and Andrew left, Careese joined us upstairs and we played some more Picolo and then we watched Halloweentown because we’re super cool like that. 

And because of how much I drank Friday night, I ended up calling out of work on Saturday. Mainly because I got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, I was struggling to walk, so probably a good idea that I didn’t end up going to work haha. But it was nice having a chill day with my boyfriend. He wanted to go to this Brunswick stew and brew festival thing, but after having too much fun on Friday, we didn’t end up going. We did start Sabrina then, and then we proceeded to take a damn three hour nap because that’s who we are. We woke up just in time for dinner, and then we got our costumes together and got ready for Angie’s party. 

Angie’s party was alright, but at first I was like 👀 because it was sort of slow starting and there were some other people there that were questionable at best, but after we got rained out and had to come inside, it got better. Of course, we tried to play Picolo, and it was a massive fail because I think people were just too drunk to really play which is a shame because it’s a lot of fun. Then we played 5 Second Rule or whatever that we played at Angie’s last time as well as a decently fun game called Stuff Happens. It was a good time but some people were just way too far gone to focus on any of the games haha. Then the next day all we did was chill, but we finally finished Mystery Incorporated! Ugh I can’t tell you how good that damn series of Scooby Doo is, it’s literally the best. It ended so perfectly too, just as my boyfriend had told me, and just go watch it. Then we watched some more Sabrina, made our Hogwarts Alumni shirts for Kelly’s Halloween party this weekend, and watched more Sabrina haha. We’re getting through it by now. Then we watched Halloweentown II: Kalabar’s Revenge, super awesome. And I’ve been reading more of my book, The Long Way Down. I basically watch demons with Sabrina and then read about more demons in it before bed. It’s been a nice little night cap to ease me into sleep lately. 

Work has been just that, work. But we’ve got this visiting assistant from Ashland named Stephanie that’s really been helping me out a lot. She’s literally been telling me things I had absolutely no idea about as far as apparel goes and what we’re supposed to be doing and everything. But I’m finally FINALLY understanding, aka, asking Stephanie, what I’m supposed to be doing as far as like when I first come in and everything. But for the most part, it’s just been same old, same old. The only real difference is the fact that I’ve been taking only 30 minute lunches this week, as well as staying ten minutes over, so I have overtime to kill and can leave early Friday for our trip to Salem / Blacksburg this weekend. And since I called out Saturday, I’m working tomorrow to make up for it as far as my 40 hours and everything. 

I can’t explain how damn excited I am to get away for the weekend. There’s so much to look forward too this weekend, even though our plans have semi changed because our Airbnb doesn’t allow guests over, but we’re working on that. We were gonna have everyone over (everyone here meaning Ceara, Destiny, and West) but like I said, we’re trying to work around that. But I’m so damn excited to see Ceara and Destiny. I don’t really have any super close friends here, aside from ones introduced to me through my boyfriend, so it’ll be nice to sort of reconnect with them. Even though I’ve literally talked to them about every single day through text haha. It’ll just be nice to actually see them. But yeah, hopefully I can see some people from the store and everything on Saturday when I stop in, and I’m excited to get to see my grandparents after leaving so that’ll be amazing. And I’m super excited to just be alone with my boyfriend. Not that we don’t have our own space here or anything, it’ll just be nice to be the only ones in the house. I’ve been feeling random waves of, I don’t even know how to describe it, nothing like bad or anything as far as our relationship goes but just sort of distance? Which makes no sense and I feel like it’s all in my head and everything. I’m just looking forward to sort of getting closer to him this weekend without any sort of distraction is all.

Tonight, or rather in a few short hours, we have yet another Halloween party to attend, so I’m looking forward to drinking, I mean going, to that. Today at work, I was literally the only person to even remotely dress up. I wore my Hufflepuff sweater that Allen and I made over the weekend. I didn’t even get any compliments, except online, but I’ll take what I can get. We’re wearing these to Katie’s party tonight, and they’re the same ones we’re wearing this weekend so we’re doing it up. Today I got us some wands to go with our outfits that we sell at work. I got Ron’s, and he got a Death Eater’s, and since he’s in Slytherin, it’s fitting haha. Happy Halloween!

Until next time,

— Justin

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