Monday, February 25, 2019

Pisces Party! (Diet Natural Light)

| Now Playing: Ghostin by Ariana Grande |

I know you hear me when I cry
I try to hold it in at night
When you’re sleeping next to me
But it’s your arms that I need this time

And after all that we’ve been through
There’s so much to look forward too
What was done and what was said
Leave it all here in this bed with you
Baby you do it so well

You’ve been so understanding
You’ve been so good
And I’m putting you through
More than one ever should
And I’m hating myself
‘Cause you don’t want to
Admit that it hurts you

I know that it breaks your heart
When I cry again over him
I know that it breaks your heart
When I cry again instead of ghosting him
We’ll get through this
We’ll get past this
I’m the girl with
A whole lot of baggage
But I love you
We’ll get past this
I’m the girl with
A whole lot of baggage

WOO what a time it’s been. I finally started vacation this week, and it’s been wonderful, but it was a low-key struggle to get there. It’s not that work was particularly bad or hard, it was just the fact that the pre-vacation fatigue was really hitting me. But this isn’t about work, especially because this was the week I started vacation. Literally as soon as I got off work Wednesday, it was all steam ahead because when I tell you that a bitch was ready for vacation, I was ready for vacation.

So let’s go back a little bit to Monday. Right after the weekend, on the first day of work of the week, I had a little bit of a birthday gift to myself. After Allen told me about this tequila tasting that was happening on Thursday, he said we should go to it as my birthday gift, so when that happened, I knew what little something I was going to get for myself. So it’s no secret that I’ve been obsessed with Fire Emblem lately. I literally still play Fire Emblem Heroes (it’s basically a massive melting pot of past games with all past characters, all in a free iOS game) every single day, because that’s how much I love it. And with Fire Emblem: Three Houses getting ready to come out this summer, a bitch is ready. But after watching multiple videos on it, I finally decided that I wanted the spin-off game, Fire Emblem Warriors, so that’s what I bought for myself Sunday. And even though it said it was going to arrive on Wednesday, it actually came Monday. And since Allen was off of work, and had plans with Chelsea, it gave me the perfect excuse to break out my new game. And A bitch is obsessed with it. It’s the perfect satiating medium until the new Fire Emblem game comes out, between that and all the Fire Emblem characters in Smash. Ugh, it’s just great to have this energy to funnel into this newly formed obsession with Fire Emblem haha.

For my first day of vacation, I had a bunch of stuff I wanted to get done. Laundry to prepare for the trip, getting back into exercising and meditating, cleaning out my car (and putting in my new clearance Wonder Woman seat cover), cleaning the other room because it’s becoming a mess, recording more footage for my upcoming Sims 4 let’s play video, and working on transferring all my stuff on Goodreads to my new author name and page. Yeah, it was a lot, but I got everything done. It was just, really, a lot of work to do.

But the tequila tasting on Thursday was great, in terms of like the experience and actually we sort of made friends with the older lady next to me, she was super sweet, but they only gave us the three standards of Patron to try. I figured with it being a Patron tasting that we could try all of theres, or at least most of them, but no. Like I said, the experience was great, they gave us a little background on the way Patron makes their tequila, and the Tobacco Company is absolutely beautiful, so aesthetically, the even was awesome. At least we got little swag bags out of it. And I talked to my grandma Thursday about coming down, and they were without power and looking to get a hotel. And there power comes back on Friday morning and what happens? Our power goes out. Crazy, right? Luckily, it came on a few hours later, but everyone stayed home because of it, plus Allen wasn’t feeling great, so we were able to pack and get ready, and even leave earlier than we were planning on leaving. The trip down was good, and I can’t tell you how much I love the Airbnb we stayed in. We’re definitely going to have to go there in the future when we head down, because it was just a wonderful experience. I wanted my actual birthday to be just me and Allen, and super chill, so we didn’t do that much. We took a nap upstairs while listening to the rain on the tin roof (water sign aesthetic af) then I suggested getting food to cook from Kroger, so we got sushi, Mac and cheese, and Philly steak subs, which sounded amazing in theory, but the subs weren’t the best haha. Noted, prepackaged Philly steak kits in the freezer section are a veto. Then we just drank some wine, played some Smash and Mario Kart, and then headed to bed.

The plan was to sleep in a little bit, but both of us were up by like 8 o’clock, so we had an early start on the day. Grabbed some breakfast at Denny’s and then headed over to see my grandparents, and even my dad was there. It was a mess because they were trying to fix their new TV, so of course I had to step in. And then we went to the winery with West, met his new girlfriend Molly, who I think is going to be really good for him, and that was an amazing time because we just love New River Winery so much. Had some glasses, bought some bottles, and then I was a little bummed because West was saying that he wasn’t coming out after dinner like it was planned. And Destiny and Morgan were already saying they weren’t coming out after dinner, and I was just like then what the hell is the point? God bless Allen though, honestly. He took it upon himself to message everyone and be like y’all really should come out, it would mean a lot to Justin, and everything, so God bless my man. As it turned out, almost everyone came out after dinner. And even though dinner was in a really cramped Alejandro’s, and not our usual one, it was really good, despite everyone sort of being separated. But Heather and Benzo ended up not coming out after dinner because they’re parking was about to expire, and I didn’t want them to have to pay for more overpriced parking, so I said they could head out. Oh, and Benzo got me this really cool laptop stand that I had sent her and totally forgot about, but it’s great. Plus it was in Milly inspired wrapping paper, I live. 

Anyway, we got to Corned Beef and it was a little lame? Like I was totally fine with everything that happened but even after being there for thirty minutes, it almost being eleven, like no one was there and no one was dancing. We had our fair share of fun, between drinks and Rumple Minze shots, so it was good. Only annoying part was Destiny, Morgan and Moe (who joined us after dinner) were like we’re going to play pool and separated from everyone, so that just put me in a weird position where I felt like I had to split my time between the two of them. So Allen and I were talking about ending the night early and having everyone come back to the Airbnb, since this place was super cool about that (especially to the people staying in the house on the grounds that left their dogs in their car for a few hours, but alas) and no one came back. But at least we got to chill with Kelly back at the Airbnb and we had a high time. Once she left, Allen and I played some Smash, hilariously so since we were under the influence, made late night mac and cheese, then headed to bed. And the fury started. He was having the shakes, both of our stomachs were fucked up, and it was a time. The entire day Sunday was us struggling to move and function, and even at lunch at Applebees, a headache was threatening to end me. The entire drive back was me trying not to fall to the pain of my headache.

And as soon as we got home, I needed to lay down because my head hurt so bad, and after some medicine and a little over an hour long nap, I was feeling semi normal again. My stomach was acting up a little bit again, but I could handle that more so than my head splitting open like that. We kept it low-key when coming home, and aside from struggling to sleep for almost three hours that night, it was a good time had. The entire weekend was good in the end, but it was just al to to deal with, especially with everyone saying they weren’t coming out and basically everyone but Benzo, and of course Allen, disappointing me, so there was that to deal with. I’m just thankful that I have Allen by my side, to get shit done. I love him so much.

The rest of my vacation, I want to get writing done, but I’m still so scorned from Sunday, we’ll see haha. I just want to revel in these final four days of vacation. And this damn Sims video, bitch. Ugh. My footage someone slid around and none of the face cam matches the game footage, but I fixed it this morning. I really hope people appreciate the work that this video has taken haha. And the title of this blog is obvious, but the parentheses comes from me talking about how I wish the bathroom at the Airbnb had a window where the shower was to have some natural light, and we were faking these pretentious voices and Allen said this and it cracked me the hell up haha.

Until next time,

— Justin

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