Saturday, February 16, 2019

Water Badge, Air Pendant

| Now Playing: In My Head by Ariana Grande |

Painted a picture
I thought I knew you well
I have a habit
Of seeing what isn’t there
Caught in a moment
Tangled up in your sheets
But you broke my heart
I said you only wanted half of me

My imagination’s too creative
They see demon, I see angel
Angel, angel
Without a halo
Wingless angel
Falling, falling
But I never thought you’d leave me
Falling, falling
Needed something to believe in

I thought you were the one 
But it was all in my head
It was all in my head

Look at you
Boy I invented you
In Gucci tennis shoes
Running from your issues
Cardio good for the heart
I figured we could work it out

Wanted you to grow but
Boy you wasn’t budding
Everything you are
Made you everything you aren’t 
I saw your potential
Without seeing credentials
Maybe that’s the issue
Said maybe that’s the issue 

So this has been an interesting week. I’m not even gonna lie, I’m mainly counting down the milliseconds to when I start vacation, let alone the days. I’m just so ready to do some actual relaxation that I don’t know what to do with myself.  But the start of the week began with Allen having to drop his car off to be looked at, after last Friday and it shut off while we were driving back from Mexican with Katie. So I met him at enterprise so he could get a rental car. Then we did some drunk Smash, taking shots if we lost, just like we had with drunk Mario Kart haha. That was a lot of fun! Even though for pretty much the first time in my life, I had a hangover Tuesday. 

Work has been pretty decent. In fact, on Thursday, they called me into the office to see if I wanted to take electronics. But ya boy knows better than to take a broken department, so I declined. Then they started asking me if I was looking to move up to Assistant, which I’m definitely not, but I’m glad that they at least see my effort and drive enough to ask me these sorts of things. I’ve even been doing things above and beyond, like relabeling my bins because they’re all out of sorts and I’m tired of hunting for these random non-cohesive numbers, so I’ve been relabeling under my brand of 22’s because why not? But work has been pretty low-key. Like I said before, I’m just ready for some vacation.

Wednesday was the Writer Wednesday event, and bitch. It was a time. Not entirely bad, at all, just no exactly what we were expecting. I was off that day, and he was still feeling bad from everything Monday, so he stayed home. We went out and ran my writer errands aka got the supplies for me to mail my book submission for the Best Self Published Book contest, and took it by the post office. Only bad thing is, it came back because my dumb ass forgot to put postage on it. But give me a break, I’ve never really mailed anything before. Anyway, after some lunch and some relaxation, and then returning the rental car after they didn’t even fix his car, just saying, we headed to the Writer Wednesday event. And I thought it would be in like a room, despite it being in a bar, but no. This was full on taking place in the corner of a bar. It was sort of weird. I was doing  best to put myself out there and converse with everyone, but #socialanxiety am I right? But we ended up having some good conversations, and Allen got some teacher info, so I’m glad that he too got something out of it since he was just there for moral support. The last lady, Cindy, was the most helpful, and she was actually talking me out of looking for an agent. She basically affirmed everything I was already thinking anyway. So I just got to work on getting my book out there, however that happens to be. I still might do my whole plan of buying copies of my book and putting them on the shelves of Barnes & Noble myself 😂😂.

Wednesday was also the day of the Nintendo Direct and the hype for Fire Emblem: Three Houses is REAL. And a curve ball in the form of Dead By Daylight coming to Switch happened! Those are the two games I’m most excited for, mainly Fire Emblem though because I’m so far up their ass, it’s borderline tragic.

Thursday was Valentine’s Day, and I thought it would be cute if we sort of recreated our first Valentine’s Day together by seeing a movie and getting hibachi for dinner. So right after work that day, we sped to meet at the theater to make Isn’t It Romantic on time. We did, and Allen even snuck in some libation for us because #selfcare. The movie was so damn good, and I put it on par with the likes of 13 Going On 30 tbh. And afterwards, I tweeted about the movie (@justingrey22 #shamelessplug) and Rebel Wilson liked it! Then we went to Hibachi, has some sushi and drinks before our reservation since we had some time to kill. And dinner was great. Except for Trump’s Youth™️ at our table. This heterosexual couple, that looks younger than us, were staring us down the entire time, complete with whispering behind they’re hands to each other after looking at us. It was getting both of us riled up, and it’s just a shame that here in 2019 we’re still having to deal with this. I honestly blame the setback that is our current presidency, but this isn’t a political heavy blog, so moving on. Dinner was great as usual, and we headed home.

We missed all of our shows Thursday night, so after work Friday, we caught up on Will & Grace and Murder, the latter of which is getting better and better. It’s just a shame that the end of season is nigh. Then the finale of RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars 4 happened, and it was enough. I’m still bitter about the fact that Manila Luzon aka the real winner of All Stars 4 was eliminated for being the best and then the ending? The person who gets the crown? BOTH Monét and Trinity. It’s a shock to the series, sure, but I just feel like the decision was made in an attempt to do damage control. Trinity should have won the crown on her own. Sure, Manila should have won, but behind her, Trinity was the clear winner. I mean great I guess, it’s just dumb and a PR stunt and RuPaul cover his ass because the fandom is literally the worst. Ugh. Over it. That being said, we all know I’m still going to watch Season 11 when it premieres in a few weeks and that I’m not stopping the shit show anytime soon.

Also, I’m completely obsessed with Ariana Grande’s new album, thank u next. Ever since I reacted to it, it’s all I’ve been listening too because it’s honestly that good. My favorites, aside from last blog’s NP and this blog’s NP, I’m also obsessed with her song ghostin. Ugh. More of this trend, Ariana. Pure fucking hellfire. 

Today at work has been enough. Only four DMs here, I came in to four pallets of freight, the most I have since moving to Richmond and this store. Brb gonna drown my sorrows in Fire Emblem. That’s what the title is named after too. We were laying in bed and I want ranting on about Fire Emblem (it’s literally becoming a problem) and Allen was making fun of it and called it Water Badge. After hysterically laughing, I called it Earth Crest before Allen again fucked me up by calling it Air Pendant. Gotta love him haha. Chelsea and maybe her boyfriend Colin are coming over today, so that should be fun. No dabs though, please, still reeling from that experience. 

Until next time,

— Justin

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