Saturday, April 13, 2019

‘Brina! Part II

Now Playing: Get Free by Lana Del Rey

Finally, I'm crossing the threshold
From the ordinary world
To the reveal of my heart
Undoubtedly, that will for certain
Take the dead out of the sea
And the darkness from the arts

This is my commitment (ah)
My modern manifesto (ah)
I'm doing it for all of us (ah)
Who never got the chance
For a handful
And all my birds of paradise
Who never got to fly at night
'Cause they were caught up in the dens

Sometimes it feels like I've got a war in my mind
I want to get off but I keep riding the ride
I never really notice that I had to decide
To play someone's game or to live my own life And now I do
I want to move
Out of the black (out of the black)
Into to the blue (into the blue)

BITCH. This week has been absolutely insane. Insanely busy, insanely tiring, just absolutely crazy, but I’m glad it’s coming to an end so I can catch up on some sleep. But before that happens, it’s time to spill the tea.

So Monday was a really frustrating day but also a really great day? Love a good dichotomy. So work was really extra at the start of the work week, and considering that I worked six days in a row because I was off he weekend, that’s not how one typically wants to start said work week. But alas, it happened. From the equipment still being an issue to managers giving me attitude for absolutely no reason to not having any room to put my incoming merchandise, Monday was just a lot. So it was weird when I was thinking “Hmm, you know what sounds good? Exercise”. That’s when you know. Luckily, my boyfriend was thinking the same thing and asked if I wanted to go to this park we’ve gone to after work for it, so that gave me something to put all that negative energy towards. So after work, that’s what we did. And I felt great afterwards. Not only because I got to vent to him, but also because I fueled all the negative parts of the day towards something really positive. I think I need to do that more. Then after that, I ended up doing some writing in Book Two, while listening to Lana again, so that was also very therapeutic for my body haha. So while it was a very frustrating start to the day, it had a really positive ending. Love that for me.

Also Monday, I ended up making a new video, talking about how I want to hear my channel more towards writing and trying to build a real readership there and turn my viewers into readers. People were pretty responsive to that, so I’m super hopeful about it. 

Moving on, Tuesday afternoon was filled with another outing as well. After work, we ended up going to Sushi King with Kelly, and that was a time and a half. Then we stopped by Second & Charles before heading home, and man how I wish I could get a management job there because I absolutely love it. We kept quoting vines and laughing and a good time was had by all. Wednesday was semi unfortunate in that I didn’t have it off like I’m used to, but it was yet another day of going somewhere after work. We ended up going to our friend Lorin’s place for dinner, but it was a good time. Thursday luckily was our day to rest after work, and it was the only one we would end up having haha. We played Smash in bed, watched TV in bed. It was a bed day, and it was needed. 

Speaking of TV, we need to talk about Sabrina BITCH. Part 2 is so damn good. It’s probably a little bit darker than Part 1 was, and that’s saying something. The episodes “Blackwood” and “The Missionaries”, the latter being the last of which we watched, had me so fucked up in the best way possible. I can’t get over how much I love this show, and I’m so glad we had at least two more seasons or parts coming our way. Maybe sooner rather than later since Part 2 came out so damn soon after Part 1. One can hope, anyway.

Like I sort of said before, work sort of mellowed out after Monday, aside from daily frustrations, and it’s been pretty easy to get through. Friday was the first day this past week of work has hit me, from all the lifting and sorting I’ve done at work to all the activities we’ve done afterwards, my body is aching for a break. But again, work wasn’t too bad, I was just tired. But we had plans again after work. While I waited for Allen to get home, I ended up starting but not finishing my next video, which is going to include a giveaway of my first book! It’s going to sort of be my first segue towards book related stuff on my channel, and I’m super excited about it. But once he got home, we went to eat at Texas Roadhouse, which wasn’t that great but what can you do? Followed by us seeing Hellboy because his mom got tickets for super super cheap but only if we saw it that day, hence why this week was even more jam packed. The movie was good, some plot lines were a little iffy, but it wasn’t too bad. I just don’t understand why we needed to reboot Hellboy after having two movies already, but ya know.

Wguch brings us to today. Again, I had to work. It’s day six of six, so I’m super glad to have this extra long work week behind me. But, you guessed it! We have plans after work again. Today is one of Allen’s friends last shows back at Longwood, so we’re headed to see it. And even though we got woken up this morning because of his grandma falling, and I never really went back to sleep after, I’m still looking forward to seeing it. The last show we saw there, Forum, was actually really really good, so even though my body is like please stop, I know that I’ll be entertained and I’ll be enjoying myself.

And then, also this morning, something BIG happened. And if you know me and my favorite artist, you already know what’s coming. The queen herself, Taylor Swift, announced something. I woke up to texts and messages about it, and as I was freaking out, I saw why. She announced a countdown on her instagram, and just announced a date: April 26th. What’s happening that day?? I’m hoping to GOD it’s new music and not some type of Cats promo. I don’t know why she would be the one to announce a Cats promo instead of the movie itself, but you never know these days. But everyone is speculating that’s it’s about new music, and Taylor even posted on Instagram some sort of heart thing related to it? I ended up making a quick video this morning and uploading it because I was so fucked up. TS7 IS COMINGAND I AM NOT READY FOR IT.

Until next time,

— Justin

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