Tuesday, July 31, 2018


Where do I even begin to explain all that's happened since my last blog? I truly don't even know what I should focus on first because it's been such a hurricane force driving the past few weeks along, a bitch has whiplash, Willow Smith is shook. Like holy shit, I'm looking back at my last blog and it's legit almost been an entire month. I apologize in advance because this is going to be a fucking mess.

So after some Fourth of July drama between friends and abandoning said friends outside of a bar, it was a mess. Things are patched up now between both parties, but it was a lot to take both outside of Tots, and over the entire Fourth thing we had planned, but it was lit anyway, saw Amanda and CJ, saw their new place, whatever, go us.

I spoke to work about the possibility of transferring right before I went on vacation at the end of the day July 6th, and that went better than expected. After that it was all a mirage of both preparing for tour and preparing to have my boyfriend move back home, taking him from thirty minutes up the road to three hours down the road. So a lot has been going on, as you can imagine. So I'm not even going to get into it, because I made a fifty minute video on it, but I fucking met Taylor Swift. TAYLOR. ALISON. SWIFT. I met my number one idol and I still haven't comprehended it? Everything entailing the trip to tour and meeting her and be seen in my video, which if Blogger isn't a Katy stan, I'll put right below.

I'm still not over it, never will be over it. I love Taylor so fucking much.

My boyfriend moving down hasn't been bad at all. I'll admit, I was nervous as hell for him to move so far away, but we're two incredible people willing to do everything for the other, so it's an amazing situation that I'll forever be thankful for. After coming back from tour, I went straight to his house after listening to some car personal property tax drama from my grandma, and I stayed up there to help him move. We filmed a video together while we were there, spending his last few nights in his apartment together haha, so I'll post that below as well.

We're so fucking cute haha. So then we drove down together, I was there until Tuesday, we had a lot of great times together, enjoyed a lot of firsts, swimming in their little pool, a lot of fun was had haha. Then I came back, work's been fucking insane, I've been working to push a transfer, have a store with a position I want, went back down to my boyfriend's after ten days, enjoyed seeing him again, did an interview at the store I'm trying to get to, was told to wait to Monday for a decision, no call came yesterday, called today and was told I'd hear from the store manager who I interviewed with, and still nothing, so I don't really know what's going on with that at this point. I'll call back tomorrow and see what's the sitch.

So yeah, a whirlwind. I keep saying I'm going get better at these blogs, but who knows? Maybe it'll just end up being an update hear and there, I'm a busy girl. I'm obsessed with a new game? Stared Valley, I love it so much.

Here's what one should take away from this blog:

  • Taylor Swift told me she loves me so much
  • My boyfriend is the best man I've ever known and I love him to the ends of the Earth
  • I finished chapter ten of Book Two, and everything is coming together smoothly
  • I wrote and recorded a song through this app called Voloco that I'm obsessed with
  • My uncle is back in jail and no longer being a nuisance.
As I say in my videos, until next time, byyyyeeeeee.

-- Justin

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