Saturday, September 16, 2017


| Now Playing: Save Me From Myself by Chester Lockhart |

I'm tired of losing sleep.
Tensions too high,
But I'm in too deep.
Is like a dear old friend.
No matter where we start,
Together in the end.

If I lose it all, will you still be here?
We die for the money, we cry golden tears.

Bloody noses up in Beverly Hills,
We wear bikinis while we're drowning in pills.
Drive my Mercedes on the highway to hell,
Somebody save me from myself.

Ugh. That's how I would sum up the past couple days since my last blog. Just ugh. The SpongeBob episode.
Anyway, after coming down from the sheer annoyance of Wednesday's work day (Mainly because of AP but ya know), I woke up Thursday feeling pretty good because I actually slept well. I don't know why the previous days were so hard for me, and why sleep was eluding me like a sought after dream, but I was super thankful to have finally gotten some rest for once. So I was in good spirits when I headed into work, which is unusual these days, but I was feeling myself (trademark, Beyoncé).

I got with Dennis about my back wall, and it needing to be organized and some of the deleted needed to be taken to clearance, and I actually got the okay to mark stuff down, as long as it was nine dollars and under. Which I'll take at this point. At least most of it was around that price and was able to go down. I put stuff that was over that on clearance labels anyway, and it helped drive some sales that way, so I'm not complaining. The only problem was that this project was going to take up the majority of my time, from organizing everything, getting everything accurately priced, and then marking down the things that I was able to markdown, I was looking at an all-day, if not most-day, project. Which meant that there was no way I was going to be able to stay in routine, but it had to be done. The only other problem with this, was that a particular Elderly Duo kept on getting in my way.

Riffling through the buggy of markdown items, giving me hard glances, and hovering around me for THREE HOURS. I come back from lunch, and think all is well. Cut to an hour and a half later, when I'm actually getting somewhere and marking down the markdown items, who pops in for a rude hello? I was over it. It literally was making my blood pressure boil, and considering that this was happening not only for long periods of time but also multiple times throughout the day? They were making MARCUS come out. I jokingly talked about this on Tuesday, when we had to move the BTS stuff to L&G. I was joking with Zack that I had a demon inside of me, and his name was MARCUS. It was just a joke and the first name that popped into my head at that moment. And I've decided that it's preferred if his name is in all caps (I swear, I'm not actually insane). But the reason this blog is titled after this hypothetical and imaginary hell-dweller is because it's just how I've been feeling lately. What with AP getting on my last possibly nerve on Wednesday, and then the Elderly Duo on Thursday, it was just enough.

Then, after work on Thursday, I debated on whether or not I should wait until midnight to film my reaction to Superfruit's album, which arrived at midnight, or wait until I got off work on Friday to do it. I was going to wait until Friday, but my grandma let me know that Jessie, my cousin, was coming down for the weekend, and since I presumed that she was bringing Aidyn with her, I opted for Thursday night instead.  I didn't want to wake the baby or anything with my loud reacting ass, so I had to stay up to film it. Which sucked, because I was dead tired after dealing with the Elderly Duo and marking down items earlier in the day. But I did it. I waiting for Part Two of Future Friends to come out on iTunes by go ahead and reacting to the Part One songs while waiting. So that was fun. And the Part Two songs are SO GOOD. Scott and Mitch really set the bar high with the music, and I'm obsessed. Their music is so different, especially for pop music, and it's so fucking good. I'm also pretty proud of the album cover I made for the album, which I did Friday night while organizing the album titles and added Sweet Life (A track only on their YouTube channel). I'll insert the album cover because I'm obsessed with my handiwork and also my YouTube video of my reaction of the album. NOTE: I didn't edit the base picture of Scott & Mitch, the ball pit picture which I love so much. I just superimposed the logo and matched the color of the album title and everything with the background from the picture I found through Google. But here ya go anyways.

My song in the NP was going to be Hurry Up! by Superfruit, because I kept singing it all day at work Friday, but I kept going back to Chester's song, especially today on my day off. After filming my complete reaction, I was so tired, so I headed to bed. And since I finished Queer As Folk, as I previously mentioned, I didn't know what to watch. I tried a few shows I'd never watched before, then opted for HTGAWM Season 3 rewatch, but I wasn't feeling it. I guess I was too damaged by my loss of Queer As Folk haha. So I just started replaying it again. I know, I'm trash. But what else is new?

Then I woke up and headed to work. But I woke up from the weirdest dream. Literally, the weirdest. I had a dream that I was a Power Ranger (super dork, I know) and it was set during this sort of post-apocalyptic world where Rangers were the sources of power in the country, whether it be political, social, or otherwise. Basically, if you weren't a Power Ranger, you weren't worth anything. Apparently, it got this way because a lone Ranger decided that normal mortals were beneath them, and they rose through the ranks until the world became post-apocalyptic and they affirmed their seat of power. Anyway, there was a rogue group of Rangers, desperately trying to restore order to the world, and give power back to those that deserved it, and needed it. I was a part of the Rogue Rangers. Anyways, so it was my job to sneak into this Power Rangers base, right. And this thing was guarded by some of the strongest Rangers that had ever morphed. And I had to sneak on, without morphing, to retrieve some type of device or something or other that was the source of this tyrannical leader Ranger's powers of success. So I made it through this entire weird obstacle course, Great Wall of China-looking base, and met up with a small group of fellow Rouge Rangers at the rendezvous point, which was the power device we needed to acquire. Well, the leader of the Rogue Rangers? Was my Tumblr crush haha. This guy that I think is super cute that I follow on Tumblr (He's also a fellow Swiftie, but I'm trash where he's health, so there's literally nothing there, but I can still dream). I don't even know his real name, but I digress. He was the leader of the Rogue Rangers and he said "We have to get this right." And wouldn't you know it, one of the Elite Rangers popped up, intent on stopping us from getting the device. She morphed, and her suit was very reminiscent of the Yellow Mighty Morphin Ranger, but the suit looked different and the helmet was as well, and I attempted to morph but she knocked me off the ledge we were on. The rest of the Rogue Rangers scattered, and my Tumblr crush rushed to my aid and said "We have to get out of here. The rest of the world will die along with us if we let them win." And I remember running with him to safety and I woke up. I know, it's weird. But honestly, it was kind of everything. I've always wanted to be a Power Ranger.

Anyway, now that I'm done embarrassing myself, work wasn't too bad yesterday. I also did routine. Capping and all. It was a pretty good day. Nothing really major happened. Oh, I forgot to mention, on Thursday, after the blow up with AP, I skipped the morning meeting Thursday. I had a lot of work to do anyway, with the markdown thing going on, so it was all well. Apparently nothing was said. They didn't even do the cheer that morning. Petty. Anyways, Friday was good. I got to do my thing, helped out a couple people, Morgan was at Academy, so I helped with price changes. All in all, it was a good day. 

There was a new sneak peak at a behind the scenes video for Taylor's LWYMMD video, so that was fun. But as soon as I got home, I had to get to work editing the Superfruit video, so that's all I did. By the time I was done, Jessie was here. As was my cousin Taylor, so we all hung out for a few. They were gonna play Monopoly, and wanted me to join, but when they left to get Taylor's brother, they weren't back at 10, and home girl was TIRED. So I ended up going to bed and falling asleep almost instantly. I found out later that they didn't even play, and Taylor ended up going home, so all was well.

But sleeping didn't go so well for me. Firstly, I kept on waking up thinking that I had to work because that's how hard I was sleeping. I was so tired from trying to stay up to hang out with my cousins, and it just fucked with for some odd reason. Then, I had two terrifying, weird, nightmares. Well, the first one wasn't so weird. I had this dream where these people were breaking into the house. But like it started outside, where I was like with my grandparents and they pulled up in this truck and suddenly we were inside. And then the next thing I knew, one of the girls is in the house and she pulls a gun, and I start running. I mean, I booked it. I remember running in zig zags, so they couldn't get a good aim on me, and I ran through the yard and the church (I live next door to a church, ironic, I know) and heading towards the road, but there were no cars. I woke up in a flourish. I rose up off my bed a little bit. Because what scared me the most was the first shot the girl made. I felt the bullet graze my thigh, and it really fucked me up. I reluctantly went back to sleep and had an equally scary but much more weird dream. In this one, I was back at my Lake Lane house with my mom and I had a sister? Which is weird, because I only have a brother, but ya know, dream logic. Anyways, she had this boyfriend that could morph into a snake? Did I mention that it was a weird dream? Anyway, her boyfriend was the guy who plays Josh on Being Human, a show I only watched half of the first episode of, and he morphed into half snake, half man and, like, injected his tail into my "sister" and said she was impregnated with hybrid snake-human babies that would kill her from the inside out, then we locked him in a room. I went running because I'm terrified of snakes, and he morphed into a snake and chased me out of the house, and outside, until I felt my body giving up, screaming for my mom, and right before the snake got to me, I woke up.

I was so freaked out, I had to get out of the house. I checked the time, it was only seven in the morning. But I was freaked the fuck out. I got in my car, and drove. I ended up getting some breakfast at McDonalds, and was still reeling from how those dreams got to me. It was just a really weird situation.

I came home, did some writing, then decided to play some Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (I blame Joe for his recent Let's Play of it), and that's all I've done all day, besides bingeing some Try Guys videos, and the Buzzfeed Queer Prom videos, which literally melted my ice heart. Then Jessie say my genius snapchat of Waluigi in slow-motion with the track in the NP playing haha. I think I'm literally so funny. Anyway, she came in and we played a few rounds of Mario Kart. All in all, a good way to spend my day off. Just next time, hold the slasher movie / snake humanoid dreams, okay?

Not exactly a demon but probably a descendant of one,

-- Jesse

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